Anarcha Feminsts Paint Graffiti in solidarity with Spanish Feminists facing hefty court fines

A couple of nights ago some anarcha feminists painted: “vivas nos queremos” ( we want us alive) around Amsterdam in solidarity with Spanish Feminists.

anarcha feminists

Read more about their situation here.

The comrades in Catalunya accused of having made several feminist graffitis face a fine of 20.000 euro each for the alleged crime of damaging city property. In Spain more than a hundred femicides happen every year. So far in 2021, according to official numbers, 38 women have been killed, but we know there will be many more. In Corbera de Llobregat itself 2 femicides happened within a year’s time, one last May 2020 when a female resident of the town was murdered and then again this last month of May 2021. How can they then ask a fine of € 20,000 for writing “vivas nos queremos”, the feminist slogan against machist violence translated as “we want us alive”? The walls have been cleaned, but our murdered sisters will never return.

Solidarity with the Feminist from Catalunya.
End Femicides!
Smash the Patriarchy!

In Solidarity,
some Anarcha Feminists.