The Free Association (Vrije Bond) is a group of people who are trying to build a different society: a society without hierarchies, without oppression and without exploitation of humans, animals and the environment; an anarchist society in which we deal with each other on a basis of equality. The members of the Free Association are all working in their own way, in their own city, neighborhood, job or action group, to create such a society. They are doing this through direct action, by organizing discussions, writing articles or supplying information. The Free Association serves as a platform to meet each other, to exchange experiences, to develop theory and strategies, but also to organize activities and to support them.
A better world, that’s what anarchism stands for: a world without domination and exploitation, based on cooperation and solidarity. A world wherein everybody can decide for him or herself how to shape their lives, based on the principle of equality and the freedom of speech and action. This is a fantastic idea, but it’s not easy to build this world. For such changes we cannot rely on representative democracy. The revolution that is necessary for such a world can only be reached through cooperation and organization from the bottom up. That’s why it is important that we anarchists organize ourselves, because together we stand strong.
Self organization
The Free Association strives to a society wherein all political and economic power from above is replaced by structures of free forms of cooperation. In these relationships political and economic life will be organized collectively and all decisions will be taken collectively.
The Free Association is such a form of cooperation: an anarchist self-organization. This means that we work together when necessary but that affiliated groups and individuals keep their autonomy. By having regular (open) meetings, direct actions, and campaigns, a solidarity fund, a website and the magazine ‘Buiten de Orde’ the Vrije Bond as an organizational structure wants to support and strengthen the anarchist movement.
‘Buiten de Orde’
The Free Association publishes the Dutch-language quarterly magazine ‘Buiten de Orde’ (Outside the Order). It’s filled with information, interviews, and discussions about, amongst others, anarchism, self-management, workers’ struggles, human rights, anti-fascism, anti-militarism, environmental actions, resistance and independent culture. The magazine is free for members of the Vrije Bond, and for sale for everyone else.
Solidarity Fund
Another important activity of the Free Association is the Solidarity Fund. Through this fund the members of the Free Association support each other’s actions and activities, such as (direct) actions by the groups within the Vrije Bond, such as picket lines, civilian inspections and action camps. Initiatives such as an anarchist library or info shop are also supported. Sister organizations abroad or non-members can also make use of this fund.
Join the Vrije Bond!
The Vrije Bond is growing, so join now! Sign up and help us building a strong anarchist movement in the Netherlands and Belgium.