The struggles of Zapatista women: a revolution within the revolution

In May 2021, a Zapatista delegation set off on a ship called ‘La Montaña’ across the Atlantic to “invade” Europe, in a symbolic protest against capitalist oppression and colonization. The objective of this Zapatista ‘Journey for Life’ is to have “meetings, dialogues, exchanges of ideas and experiences with all of those who are committed, from different perspectives and fronts to the struggle for life”, that is, to fight against capitalism, patriarchy, racism, imperialism, colonialism, and other violent systems that destroy life.

In this special session leading up to the Zapatistas visit to The Netherlands, we will discuss the history of the Zapatistas and their current tour ‘Journey for Life’ across five continents, starting with Europe, with a focus on the specific struggles of Zapatista women. The event will include a presentation by Itayosara Rojas, PhD researcher at ISS, followed by a Q&A session. The presentation and discussion will be held in English with simultaneous translation into Spanish.

3 August, 18.00 – 19.30
Zoom Meeting ID: 93288855819
hosted by ISS Gender Committee, Feminist Circles at ISS and Feministas en Holanda
