Programme Pinksterlanddagen

This year the PL will happen! Even though it’s sadly not possible in the normal way (a weekend full of awesome workshops, discussions, vegan food, childerens program and camping in Appelscha) we will organize it online on Saturday the 23rd of may! Write the date down 🙂 and put your laptop on. Of course an […]

Anti-Racism protest

Dear comrades, For weeks now, the news has been dominated by virus wackos, fascists like Willem Engel and politicians who can carry out their racist and oppressive policies with impunity. While the Netherlands is sinking further and further into crisis and even our most basic forms of freedom are in ever more danger, we are […]

POSTPONED! Anarchist Book Fair Amsterdam 2021, spring edition

We are happy to announce that there will be an Anarchist Book Fair Amsterdam in the spring of 2021. The location will be announced later. But it will be in Amsterdam and it definitely will be anarchist! Even though the past year has stood in the shadow of a global pandemic and other horrifying developments, […]